St. Katherine of Drexel - Patronage of racial justice, philanthropy 1858-1955 Feast Day: March 3 She was born to a wealthy Philadelphia family who were religious and philanthropic. Through her travels she became sensitive to the horrors and plight of Native and African Americans. She entered religious life, eventually establishing the order of The Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament. She dedicated her fortunes to the education of these oppressed minorities. She established 62 schools for them and 145 missions. “If there is prejudice in the mind we must uproot it or it will pull us down.” “If we wish to serve God and Love our neighbors well, we must manifest our joy in the service we render to him and them. Let us open our hearts. It is joy that invites us. Press forward and do not fear.” “Kindness is the natural fruit of goodness of the heart.” Specific Sizes - Width x Height Pocket - 1 1/2" x 3 1/4"